Why Choose Us

Hickory Solutions365 is a 24/7/365 fulfillment center staffed with travel specialists whose sole purpose is to assist and enhance the traveler’s experience via phone or chat.

Hickory Solutions365 is an essential service that can transform any agency with challenges such as staffing shortages, and short-term business needs, i.e., group reservations and more specific business needs. We offer a range of service and pricing options, including custom solutions to your unique business needs.

·        Travel Reservations and Emergency Call Solution Services

·         VIP Support Services

·         OBT and Queue Monitoring

·         Back Office Support & ARC/BSP Reporting

·         Custom Talent Solutions

·         International Rate Desk Support

For more details on the services that we offer, please click here.

Hickory Solutions365 is a proud service of Hickory Global Partners; we service both Members and Non-Member Agencies.

About Hickory Global Partners:

For over 40 years, Hickory Global Partners has been the go-to industry-leading global alliance for corporate travel agencies, corporate travel departments (CTDs) and corporations. HICKORY delivers unmatched negotiated discounts and commissions, resources, support and value that significantly benefits our members, and ultimately, their clients, through its visionary hotel program, robust commissionable air program, one-of-a-kind ground transportation program and comprehensive ancillary portfolio.

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